Top Free Financial Applications on the iPhone/iPod Touch

The Apple iOS platform is a brilliant one. It's fast and responsive nature make it an ideal operating system for researching information on the go. When connected to Wi-Fi or 3g, the device is even more powerful. The wealth of information that you can download in the apps is so useful that whenever I need to travel long distances, I no longer bring my netbook or notebook - I just carry around my iPod Touch. The following apps are my favorite financial apps that I find indispensable.

1. CB Mobile (Canadian Business)

My favorite thing about this app is the financial news and opinion sections. It is updated regularly and like the bi-weekly Canadian Business magazine, it contains well researched and timely articles.

2. MarketWatch

MarketWatch is an indispensable part of both my mornings, afternoons and evenings. When I need to know earnings results, I usually check here first. Also before the markets open up in the morning, MarketWatch has a good summary of what happened in Europe and Asia overnight. It helps me to put the day into perspective.

3. Wall Street Journal

The legendary Wall Street Journal. Although the application itself is free, not all of the articles are. I'm currently on a 45 day free trial and so far I love it. The articles contain a lot of depth and there is a wealth of information for the user to read.

4. Yahoo Finance

Perhaps the best stock quote application on the iPhone. It syncs with your yahoo finance portfolio, so you can make your portfolio edits online and they'll automatically appear on your iPhone app. There is simply no better portfolio application out there. I use this all the time when I need to take a quick glance at how the markets are doing during the day. The interface is simple and laid out very well.

5. XE Currency

For those of you that trade FOREX or those that like to keep track of currencies. This excellent tool will give you up to the minute currency exchange information around the clock. The application is always reliable and fast. I've used it many times right before changing money for my trips and can say that it's very useful when comparing the real world rate to the money lender's rate.

What are some of your favorite iPod/iPhone financial applications? Do you have a suggestion for better apps? I'd like to hear them.


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