Days before Christmas - Time to get that shopping done soon!

Curious, I quickly glanced at what others were buying. A lot of people were buying video games, DVDs, and gift cards. Gift Cards are probably the best present for those that are hard to purchase for as it gives the recipient a lot of options for what they can buy especially at big box chains like Future Shop that have pretty much everything under the sun.
After the 30 minutes of waiting in line, I proceeded to visit the Bay to purchase some chocolates. Again I was confronted by a line of about 15 people - all buying Godiva and Lindt Chocolates.
This leads me to believe that when it's hard to buy gifts for people, we naturally gravitate towards the chocolate and big box electronics chains. Why? Because everyone loves electronics or chocolate, right?
I then walked around the mall some more to find some more gifts for more people on my list. Despite walking from one end of the mall to the other, I still couldn't find the perfect present for some on my recipient list.
This was totally my fault and now I am worried that I'll have to brave the bigger and tougher crowds of the upcoming weekend before Christmas. Unfortunately I have nobody to blame but myself.
Oh well, next year I'll try not to procrastinate as much and get down to purchasing Christmas presents earlier!!