Freebies and Ethics

A lot of retailers are luring people by offering freebies to not only drive traffic to their website but to also convert the traffic into potential customers. As a result, smaller companies will usually have a finite number of free items to give out.
With all the freebies available on the Internet, it is the responsibility of the customer to do so wisely and ethically. The following are a list of ethics that I personally follow.
1. Only Order what You Need
This is pretty much common sense. Only order things you genuinely have a need for or use. If you're lactose intolerant, there's no need for you to request a free sample of 2% milk. Alternatively if you don't own a Blu-ray player, there's absolutely no reason for you to request that Blu-ray demo!
2. Read the Fine Print
Often times, companies will put in fine print who may or may not qualify for the freebie. You'll save the company's time and your time by reading carefully. For example, if the freebie explicitly states that the product is for those between the ages of 13-18, don't apply for it if you're 40. Or worse yet, don't lie about your age. You're just ruining it for others!
3. Being greedy is bad
A lot of times freebies are limit one per household. Don't order one for the wife, the grandma, grandpa and aunt. You're not doing anyone a favour by being so greedy.
4. A simple Thank You is good
If there is an opportunity you should thank the company for sending you the freebie. Leave them a nice note in the comments section or send them an e-mail. Being courteous lets them know that you are grateful. Besides, companies like to hear feedback from there customers.
If you keep these tips in mind when ordering freebies, you'll be doing both the companies and other freebie hunters a significant favour.
I'll make sure to visit.