Reducing your costs in the winter months

With the average person spending more than they make, it's important to identify which areas of your spending are needs vs. wants. Narrowing down all the wants that you're spending your money on may reduce your spending, but believe it or not, there is still a way of cutting back. You can look at your needs, and look at ways to specifically cut back (without changing your lifestyle)

Here's a few quick tips. Heating is a necessity especially in those cold months when you can't just leave your pipes unheated. Doing so may cause your pipes to freeze which will cost you more money in repairs in the long run. So how does one save on heating (which is a need)? Try lowering your thermostat 3 degrees in the winter. Put on an extra sweat shirt or sweater to give yourself the much needed warmth.

With the cold winter months here, we opt to eat out much less than usual. Instead, we invest more time in doing grocery shopping so that we can make wholesome meals at home to eat. This allows us to indulge in good food without the hassle and cold of going outside to restaurants as often.

Those of you that work know that after a tough day, it's easy to just go to a restaurant and order a meal because it's a lot less stressful than combing through your fridge to find what you can cook. Instead of doing that, what about eating at home? You can do that by cooking your meals in advance and freezing them. I tried that last week when we were extremely busy and it worked out well. Just pop the already prepared entree into the microwave, heat and serve and you have a decent meal in mere minutes.

Another way of cutting back is to take not so hot showers. Remember if you take long hot showers you are using a lot of electricity and hydro. Cutting back a bit and taking shorter warm showers will only save you pennies a day, but in the bigger picture, this can add up to significant savings.

Do you have too many electronics in your house? In this day and age, many people consider computers and televisions a need instead of a want. How about reducing the number of televisions in your home. Do you really need to have one in the basement, living room, and bedroom? Getting rid of a few of them will save you a lot of money.

Do you have any cost savings tips? Please feel free to share them with us in the comments area. Until next time, thanks again for reading the Canadian Dollars Blog.


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