Winter Tires - Do it properly

For those of you that drive a lot in winter, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about what the best configuration for winter tires is. Some people with front wheel drive cars claim that one should optimize their winter driving by only replacing the front two wheels with winter tires. People with rear wheel drive cars have also suggested only replacing the rear two wheels. Well, you know what? Both these theories are wrong.

While the idea of only replacing two of the four tires may sound desirable in terms of storage and saving money, it is a bad idea in practice. This is because if you use two dissimilar types of tires on your vehicle, you'll have a vehicle that has a "split" personality. One end of the vehicle won't react and perform the same as the other in the dry, wet, slush and snow conditions you'll encounter before the end of winter.

The biggest danger comes in emergency situations. With different tire configurations, your vehicle will possibly understeer in one and oversteer in another. Folks, remember that safety always comes first. If you can accelerate, brake, handle better, you will be able to get through much of winter's nasty challenges. As always, take your time and drive safely and courteously on the roads!

Until next time, thanks again for reading Canadian Dollars Blog.


tyre machines said…
Winter tires are very essential during winter period. It prevents accidents caused by slippery roads. I have mine always stocked in my garage.

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